Boomerang Bags
Boomerang Bags is a global initiative aimed at reducing the use of single use bags by making reusable cloth bags from donated and up-cycled materials. Each bag is made by volunteeers to be distributed to local businesses for customers to use and bring back (if they can) - just like a boomerang!
Far Fetched Designs is proud to be doing our part by organising and hosting the sewing bees, donations and distribution of bags to Seddon Village traders, along with the generous support of the Handmaker’s Factory; who allow us use of a studio space to host the sewing bees. There’s often an extra sewing machine or two on hand if you don’t have your own (and we’re also known to sometimes share a bottle of bubbly or two…)
We’re a welcoming group of locals, getting together on the third Thursday evening each month to sew and socialise (exact dates and times below) and we welcome all volunteers; sewers and non sewers alike. If you can’t sew and want to learn, we’re happy to help. But sewing is definitely not essential – there’s always plenty of other jobs to help with. Any help at any time is welcome, just pop along whenever you can.
Volunteers who can’t make it to a sewing bee but would still like to help are welcome to visit the shop to collect some take-home-and-sew kits or take home some cutting or handle making any time. All help is appreciated, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact us or drop into the shop for a chat.
We also accept donations of anything that will help with our sewing bees, including large fabric pieces (old doona covers, pillow cases, table clothes, large fabric scraps) sewing essentials (cotton, needles, scissors) and working sewing machines are welcome too! Contact the shop for more information.
Sewing Bee Dates for 2019
Thursday 21 February - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 21 March - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 14 May - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 20 June - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 18 July - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 15 August - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 19 September - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Thursday 17 October - 6.30-9.30pm - Handmakers Factory, 84b Charles St, Seddon
Note; There is no April sewing bee due to School holidays/Easter. Seddon Sewing Bees run only between February and October